Probiotics & Obesity


Obesity: Are Probiotics the Answer?

One of the leading reasons for today’s obesity epidemic are too many empty calories from artificial ingredients and highly processed. When paired with non-active leisure activities such as watching TV or desk-oriented office that keeps us indoors doesn’t help either. And then there are all the desserts and modern medications making up the cherry on the top (and that cherry is full of pesticides and fertilizers).

Obesity and gut flora

Studies have revealed that our malfunctioning microbiota can be a contributor to the development diseases and conditions like obesity. A microbiota is an ecological community of microorganisms inside our gut. The uniqueness of this microbiota is akin to our fingerprints, and it can impact a predisposition to different diseases. Obesity is not just a visual problem — it is a health hazard. It has been linked to several medical conditions such as diabetes, heart diseases and stroke, cancer, gall stones and gall bladder diseases, gout, and several other diseases.

Obesity is related to the production of cytokines (a molecule that comes main from fat tissues) and pro-inflammatory chemicals. Organs start pumping out hormones and inflammatory substances. It is suggested that obesity and obesity-related metabolic disorders are characterized primarily by some alterations in the functioning and composition of the human gut microbiome.

Microbial species and obesity

Most of our gut microbial species belong form four main phyla:

  • Actinobacteria
  • Bacteroidetes
  • Firmicutes
  • Proteobacteria

When the ratio between Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes changes, obesity may appear. Low Bacteroidetes levels increase gut permeability and raise all kinds of health risks, from immune system mayhem to inflammation and brain-related disorders. A low level of Firmicutes enhances the risk of metabolic problems like diabetes.

Treat obesity wisely

There is a robust microbial component to obesity. We could grow healthier and leaner microbiomes by altering our diet. By maintaining a healthy gut flora, it is possible to treat inflammation. A healthy gut regulates appetite and signals the brain to stop eating. Exercise also helps in promoting the right microbial balance of the gut, and it favors bacterial colonies that prevent weight gain. Probiotics increase the protein ANGPTL4 to decrease fat storage in the body. In addition, probiotics aid in the release of a hormone called GLP-1, which helps burn fat and calories and helps us eat less. Collectively, eating healthy, proper exercise, and use of probiotics to maintain healthy gut flora can effectively fight obesity.

Probiotic study facts

Probiotic supplements may improve weight loss by enhancing the metabolic health of obese people, along with a smart diet and exercise plan. Live microorganisms in probiotics grow or restore the diversity of our gut bacteria. According to significant research, regular consumption of probiotics can improve the body mass index (BMI), inflammatory markers, fasting blood glucose, insulin and triglycerides.


Although the primary concern of Probioform is to maintain and balance the biodiversity of gut flora, it also benefits for our overall health. Probioform is a living liquid that regulates the essential microbial balance of the gut and strengthens beneficial bacteria to fight against diseases. Its regular use can be also helpful in maintaining and losing extra weight.


Probioform delivers probiotics into the body in the way that nature intended.

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