As Nature Intended

Nature Intended, works, Liquid, We Need, Use Probiotics

Probioform delivers probiotics into the body in the way that nature intended.

Long before the advent of processed foods, sugar, antibiotics, pesticides, chlorinated water and other modern conveniences (and hinderances), humans got all the useful microbes they needed from the foods they ate, like leaves, roots, nuts, fruits and more.

Not only did these healthy microbes aid us in the digestion of food and breaking down proteins into vital amino acids, they also created enzymes and vitamins. It was a gorgeous symbiosis between food and consumer.

But as we’ve progressed technologically, the balance our food brought to our guts lost its perfection, and our intestinal health has suffered ever since. But Probioform combines the best of the old with the new by preserving the nature we once relied upon with modern technology to provide us with what we actually need.

We’re never truly alone

Do you know that the most germ-infested places in our homes are the kitchen and bathrooms? In fact, even our smartphones and tablets are literally crawling with bacteria.

Many people turn to sanitizers and bacterial soaps, but that logic should be rethought. The latest research shows that triclosan, an antibacterial chemical, can be an environmental toxin, and it does very little to help you.

The fact is, even when we think we’re all by ourselves, we have a whole host of companions who never leave our sides. This is thanks to the trillions of bacteria that are on your skin and inside your body at any given moment.

But stay calm! This is a good thing. Just like we, as humans, cannot live without oxygen, water, carbon, nitrogen, digestion and disease protection, we also cannot live without bacteria. Certain types of bacteria aid you in the digestion of food, the synthesizing of bacteria, the maintenance of your mental health and your immune system support.

A new introduction to bacteria

Just the word “bacteria” is enough to cause uneasiness in many of us, and, to an extent, this is natural. But let’s go back to the beginning: Bacteria is one of the earliest and most durable forms of life, and it is believed these microbes have been in existence on earth for nearly 3.5 billion years.

Bacteria are central to parts of many ecosystems, they are essential in global food webs, and there is nowhere on earth where they cannot be found (including oceans, air and soil). It is actually bacteria that make it possible for every living organism to exist on Earth — they are the (invisible) backbone of all life.

Bacteria and humans: A symbiotic relationship

Humans and bacteria have shared a complicated-yet-interesting relationship since man came into being. While bacteria are often harmful too us, we cannot think of existing without them. Most of the time, we actually live in harmony with bacteria.

As scientists will tell you, more than half of our body is comprised of microscopic colonists such as bacteria, viruses, archaea, fungi and other microbes — only 43 percent of the total body is actually comprised of human cells. The microbes on and inside us make up our microbiome, and they are essential to our health. And the greatest concentration of them thrive in the dark, murky depths of our oxygen-deprived bowels.


Microbiomes made up of between 10–100 trillion microbial cells. When in a symbiotic relationship with the body, they benefit both the host and themselves. To be sure, some are pathogens that can make you ill. Others are only harmful in a situation where they end up in the wrong place. A third type are highly beneficial to the body. This third group provides nutrients to our cells, prevents harmful viruses and bacteria from colonizing, and program the immune system, among other key roles.

Why Probioform

Gut microbes

Our intestines are where one would find the largest portion of the human microbiota. The gut microbes are also known as the microflora of the gut, and the presence of this normal flora inside the digestive system includes the same microorganisms found in our environment, and their presence is essential in all animals of the same habitat.

Our gut microbes are unique for every individual, as well as to each person’s mood, digestion, psychology and ability to fight disease. They are also at least 150 times more genetically varied than our body because of the presence of more than three million genes. They’re even what is responsible for the response generate by an individual against a certain drug.

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The necessary role of gut microbes

As advanced as our science has become, there’s still not a lot of facts known about gut microbes. What we do know is that intestinal microbiota produces some of the most important vitamins to human survival, such as vitamins K and B12. They also are known to protect the intestinal walls from the invasion of pathogens, and they aid in the digestions of food.

A healthy human has a balance and high diversity of microbes within themselves. There are more than 1,000 different types of bacteria in the gut, but it only takes a small number of bacterial types to present in higher numbers than normal to cause issues and diseases like:

We must take care of our gut microbiota

Everyone wants to be healthy, but it requires proper care of your beneficial intestinal bacteria — and few people know how to do this. Luckily, technology is making gut health easier to come by.

We all know we should be healthier, but we’re often less attracted to the healthy foods that help us get achieve the balance of bacteria we need. Instead, we gravitate toward sugary foods like chocolate, sweets, white bread, etc. Or we turn to the fatty foods, like different types of meet, fast food, sauces, etc.

While those foods are no doubt delicious, they also negatively affect our health, and many are not good for intestinal microbiota. Many gut microbiotas require dark bread, cereals, vegetables, fruits, beans and roots (collectively) — these are prebiotics, which not only improve the health of microbiota, but also help improve the way our gut functions. And don’t forget: the reduction of good bacteria ultimately leads to the growth of bad bacteria, which can lead to health problems.

So what is the role of probiotics?

To put it simply, probiotics are used to help replace the lost good bacteria and keep bad bacteria in check. Probiotics stave off the looming threat and help good bacteria do their job properly. Probiotics are live microorganisms that, when ingested in the appropriate amount, provide their host with a wide variety of health benefits. Your average probiotics contain hundreds of types of bacteria.


The natural sources of probiotics

Fermented food contains probiotics that naturally develop during the process of lacto fermentation. During this process, good bacteria grow on the starch and sugar of the particular food source to create lactic acid. These fermented food items have a range of textures and tastes due to the particular bacteria involved in the fermentation process. Yogurt, cheese, pickles, sauerkraut, sourdough bread, tempeh and kefir are some natural sources of probiotics.

Manmade Probiotics: Supplements

Probiotic supplements are live bacteria stored in bottles, tablets or gummies to provide maximum benefits to the gut bacteria. While nothing can replace the benefits of naturally occurring probiotics, there are some factors to consider:

Due to these facts and more, a good, daily probiotic supplement is becoming essential if you want to maximize the benefits of good bacteria.

What makes probioform the best?

Most probiotic supplements use pure culture or freeze-drying methods for synthesis, but these are not natural processes for bacterial growth. Probioform is synthesized through natural fermentation, a process that allows acids to remain inside the product — this is what assures the survival of beneficial bacteria inside the bottle. With Probioform, you get live probiotics in every dose. This natural atmosphere is what allows microbes to start growing and multiplying within a very short period.

Plus, other probiotics use a segregating technique to promote single-strand growth. Probioform uses a process of co-growth, which allows bacterial strands to interact with each other in a manner similar to a natural environment. This way, bacteria are able to grow and flourish, becoming naturally resilient and strengthening their ability to fight against bad bacteria.

Acidity plays a key role in Probioform’s development. Our digestive systems have a very acid pH level of 2.4, and many of the bacteria in your average probiotic supplements cannot bear the difference tween the pH of their packaged environment and that of our digestive system. Probioform, on the other hand, has naturally produced acid with a low pH of 3.7, which secures the survival of microbes as they enter the digestive system. Probioform keeps all the products created by internal bacteria, such as vitamin B, vitamin K, antioxidants and enzymes.


Probioform has an entire bacterial ecosystem in its natural state, which is why it provides faster, strong and more effective results than any other probiotics available.

Start with probioform

Probioform is a high-quality, live probiotic liquid supplement that provides you with maximum health benefits. Used regularly, it helps maintain the microbial flora of your gut, as well as maintain the balance of good and bad bacteria to ensure better, natural bacterial health.

Probioform is perfect for every member of your family due to its light effect on the stomach and its close pH level to your stomach’s natural pH level. Probioform is an effective formula for everyone, from infants to seniors. Plus, our ultra-stable solution does not need to be stored in the refrigerator.

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Explore more about Probioform

How it works

The modern diet often strips those natural microbes from our food, a probiotic supplement is highly recommended. And Probioform is designed to deliver a high content of healthy microbes directly to your digestive system, including wild yeast and beneficial acids.

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Why Use Probiotics

Think of probiotics as friendly littler helpers. They enable our digestive functions to work smoothly, give us more energy and promote more regular bowel movements.

Probiotics work to crowd out bad bacteria while boosting our immune systems. And Probioform does this better than the rest.

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Cascade Fermantation

A state-of-the-art probiotic requires a state-of-the-art production process, which is why Probioform uses cascade fermentation. This advanced process enables us to achieve the right pH level (3.7).

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