5 Foods that Promote Colon Health

The food munch by us could affect the health of the colon in many ways. In this topic, we’ll discuss the foods that promote colon health. So now you could understand the role of the diet plans here; as it directly affects the colon.

Any bad food included in our diet could also give rise to irritable bowel syndrome and diverticular disease.   

Now you must be goofing around that why do I even need to eat food that supports the health of the colon? Well then sorry to say…but you’re wrong!

Various researches around the world proved that eating foods that “promote colon health could also minimize the risk of colon cancer“. This is the third main cause of cancer death in the United States based on the records of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

1. Dried plums

The colon of a body is the home of trillions of bacterias this includes the friendly and harmful bacterias as well. The effect of these bacterias on your gut health could even go beyond the imagination.

According to the research run by Texas A&M University, a diet that includes plums could also improve the reproduction of the good bacteria in a colon.

A healthy balance of health-promoting bacterias won’t only promote the health of the colon. But could also minimize the risk of cancer of the colon.

2. Dark leafy greens

This isn’t the kind of surprise that could make your heads turn around. As you must have heard by your elders. Especially from your mother that “eating more bok choy, broccoli, spinach, mustard greens, and kale is good for the health”.

Well if you’re assuming that it’s magic and ask me then I would say…Nah! The reason for that these dark leafy greens are based on low calories and are filled with a variety of nutrients. Such as folate, magnesium, iron, potassium, vitamin A, C, E, and K.

If you’re a teenager then it’s very important to include these dark leafy greens in your diet. As it’s filled with carotenoids known as antioxidants that “protect the cells from the early stages of cancer“.

Due to the folate found in the dark leafy greens. There could also be a possibility that it prevents the development of colon polyps which is known as a root cause of colon cancer.  

3. Tree nuts

The tree nuts are known as the source of fat and protein content. There are various forms of tree nuts such as walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, pistachios, and cashews.

The best thing about tree nuts is that “they could minimize the risk of colon cancer and can also keep the colon healthy“. The studies from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute also proved that tree nuts can also minimize the risk of recurrence of colon cancer.

4. Whole grains, dietary fiber

Several plants around the world are filled with fiber which is a type of carbohydrate. But the interesting thing is that “your digestive system won’t be able to digest it”.

On the other including more fiber-rich foods in your diet could keep the bowels regulated properly. The heart patients could also use fiber-rich foods to improve their heart rate.

You could also use fiber-rich foods to maintain a healthy weight; as being overweight could also cause several health problems and could even lead to a heart attack.

According to the research run by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in September 2020 different forms of whole grains. Such as brown rice, whole-wheat bread, oats, pasta, and barley could minimize the risk of colon cancer.

5. Beans and legumes

The researches indicate that “beans and legumes are based on different nutrients ideal to improve wellness and health“. This includes phytochemicals, vitamins, fiber, minerals, protein, and antioxidants.

According to the study of the American Institute of Cancer Research the resistant starch, phenolic compounds and fiber found in the beans and legumes could also promote the growth of health-friendly bacterias.

Frequently Ask Questions (FAQs)

1. Why maintaining a healthy colon is important?

Maintaining the health of the colon is very important as an unhealthy colon could create lots of problems such as colon cancer. There are different ways for maintaining the health of the colon that must be included in your diet plan.

The health of the colon can impact the overall digestive system of a body. So a colon working properly could also make you feel stronger enough to fight the disease.

2. How to keep your colon healthy?

There are different ways to keep a colon healthy. By including these techniques in the diet you could easily keep your colon healthy.

    1. Limit red meat and processed foods
    2. Drink enough water
    3. Eat more fruits, whole grains, and vegetables
    4. Colonoscopies
    5. Consume a high fiber diet
    6. Exercise regularly

3. Is your colon healthy?

To know that whether your colon is healthy or not it’s important for you to visit the doctor weekly.

4. What are the foods good for the bowels?

The reduction in bowel movements or difficulty passing stools could lead to constipation. To minimize this risk you could include different food sources in your diet.

  1. Yogurt and kefir
  2. Clear soups
  3. Broccoli
  4. Grapes
  5. Whole wheat bread, cereals, and pasta
  6. Sauerkraut
  7. Blackberries and raspberries
  8. Prunes
  9. Water
  10. Pulses
  11. Wheat bran
  12. Apple and pears
  13. Kiwis
  14. Olive and flaxseed oils

5. What is the ideal vitamin for the colon?

The most suitable vitamin for the colon is vitamin D which could be obtained from the sunlight shining in the sky. The best way to get this vitamin is by visiting the outdoors regularly and if you can’t visit outdoors then you must get it through different sources of food.


After exploring the overall topic it’s clear that the only way to promote a healthy colon is to include nutrient-rich whole foods in your diet. Pro-bioform also recommends limiting the use of red and processed meat that could lead to colon cancer.

On the other hand, the regular screenings of colon cancer could also play a dominating role in keeping the colon healthy.

Probioform delivers probiotics into the body in the way that nature intended.

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