Probioform for Bones

Probioform for Bones

Probioform for Bones

Osteoporosis & How Probiotics Can Help

Are you sure you are not prone to Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a major-but-underappreciated public health issue. Approximately 80% of osteoporosis sufferers are women, and, with the increase in longevity of the male population, it is becoming increasingly prominent in men too.

What is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a silent disease. It is a condition in which structural deterioration of bone tissues and reduced bone mass can lead to increased risk of fractures. An osteoporotic bone is one that has lost its density and showed a lower BMD (Bone Minerals Density) than a healthy bone.

Bones are composed of living tissues that break and remold efficiently into new bones constantly until the age of 30. After 30 bones stop increasing their mass and in the ’40s and 50’s bones, catabolism increases and may result in osteoporosis. This gradual thinning of bones leads to bone fracture even from a simple fall.

Your lifestyle matters

Our daily diet and regular physical routines are the two main factors in the furthering or bettering of the effects of osteoporosis. An active lifestyle helps to prevent osteoporosis, because regular walking, jogging, and high-impact, weight-lifting exercises have a positive effect on your bone health.

Similarly, eating habits significantly affect bone density. Foods like dairy products, vegetables and fruits provide sufficient calcium and Vitamin D for bones health, and fatty fishes contain omega-3 that is also beneficial for bones. Probiotics are a new solution for many of the issues regarding BMD and osteoporosis.


Probiotics are live bacteria and yeast that provide various health benefits. They restore the natural balance of bacteria inside the gut, including the stomach and intestines. According to the latest scientific research, it is suggested that probiotics could stop bone loss. The balanced gut flora encourages the growth of beneficial bacteria, and these bacteria produce a metabolite called butyrate. The production of butyrate elevates the amount T cells in bone marrow, which helps generate the Wnt10b protein. This protein is vital for the growth of bones and bone tissues.

How do probiotics influence bone health?

Postbiotic metabolites are the compounds that bacteria produce in the GI tract when they ferment and digest the food they have available to them.

The relation between inflammation and lower bone density

Inflammation occurs locally in the intestinal tract or similarly throughout the body. Inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract results in nutritional deficiencies, and the inflammatory chemicals cause bones to break down. These nutritional deficiencies can increase the risk of osteoporosis. Systematic inflammation can be identified by high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP). An elevated level of hs-CRP is related to lower bone mineral density and osteoporosis.

Harmful bacteria and an unhealthy diet are the leading causes of inflammation in the intestinal tract. Eliminating inflammation-causing foods and ensuring that your intestinal tract has the right amount of friendly probiotic bacteria are helpful in maintaining bone density. Probiotics produce short-chain fatty acids, and these fatty acids have anti-inflammatory activities. Probiotics also promote the absorption of other minerals such as phosphorous, magnesium, boron, etc. through the tough surfaces of bones and teeth.

Mineral absorption and acid/base balance in the body

As it relates to the GI tract health and bone health, the acidity level (pH) of the gastrointestinal tract is a critical factor. Various strains of beneficial probiotic bacteria produce postbiotic metabolites. These are compounds having a slightly acidic pH. These weak acidic compounds create the optimal level of acidity in the gut. This acidity maintenance in the stomach improves the absorption of minerals such as calcium and magnesium. These minerals are essentially required for the building and repairing of healthy bones.

Vitamins & bone health

The deficiency of vitamin K is mainly associated with osteoporosis, as vitamin K plays a vital role in numerous aspects of bone health. According to scientific research, some strains of intestinal bacteria produce vitamin K in the human intestinal tract. Furthermore, bacterially synthesized vitamin K absorbs from the intestinal tract and contributes to our nutritional vitamin K needs and requirements, while antibiotics and dysbiosis lower the vitamin K level and promote declining bone health. The production of vitamin K by gut bacteria keeps calcium out of the arteries and in bones and teeth. In addition, probiotics also improve the production and absorption of vitamins A, B and C, all of which are also responsible for good bone health.

Homocysteine & osteoporosis risk

Rising homocysteine is also a well-known risk factor for osteoporosis and deficiencies of vitamins B6 and B12, as well as folic acid. There are certain strains of beneficial probiotic bacteria that are known to synthesize the homocysteine-metabolizing vitamins in the human intestinal tract. These bad vitamins disturb the microbiome and decrease the number of beneficial B vitamin-synthesizing probiotic bacteria, contributing to elevated homocysteine. This whole situation can increase the risk of osteoporosis. Unhealthy lifestyle habits such as lack of exercise, poor diet, and high stress can also increase risks of osteoporosis and fractures.

Improved absorption of vitamin D

Vitamin D plays a vital role in the strengthening of bones. Probiotics enhance the absorption of vitamin D from the GI tract and. These probiotics also improve the health of the liver and kidneys to convert Vitamin D into its active form.


These facts are enough to prove that the probiotics are much more than just good gut health. The subsequent production of postbiotic metabolites regulates gut health, bone health and many other aspects of human health. It is essential now to introduce a quality probiotic like Probioform into your daily routine. This living-liquid probiotic is synthesized through a traditional fermentation style, and its co-growth method keeps bacterial strains in their natural habitat. These improved and resilient bacteria not only enhance the growth of beneficial bacterial in gut flora — they also assure proper BMD and good bone health.

Probioform delivers probiotics into the body in the way that nature intended.

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