Chronic Inflammation

Chronic Inflammation

Injuries, wounds and any type of tissue infection would not be able to heal and recover without an inflammatory response. But chronic inflammation can be the cause of several diseases, including arthritis, ulcerative colitis and heart diseases. Inflammation is the defense mechanism — or a biological response — of our body. The immune system identifies damaged cells of the body, pathogens and irritants, then it begins the healing process. The symptoms and signs of inflammation are uncomfortable, but these are signs of the body trying to heal itself.

Causes of inflammation

Inflammation is an innate response that is naturally present in the body from the time of birth. It is generally nonspecific. Irritation is the first stage, which then turns into inflammation. Untreated acute inflammation, an autoimmune disorder, and long-term exposure to irritants such as polluted air and industrial chemicals, smoking, alcohol, obesity and chronic stress are leading causes of inflammation.

Symptoms of inflammation

Signs of inflammation are dependent on the problem, whether it is acute or chronic. Redness, pain, immobility, heat and swelling are common symptoms of acute inflammation. Symptoms of chronic inflammation include mouth sores, chest pain, abdominal pain, joint pain, rashes and fever.

Inflammation and gut health

Thousand years ago, Hippocrates said that all diseases begin in the gut. This is because the stomach is the foundation for almost every other system of our body. The chances are high that if we have an autoimmune or chronic condition, there is at least one microbiome component to it, even though we may experience no digestive symptoms. Eating a western diet, high sugar, high fat, low nutrients intake, and use of antibiotics can all cause us to lose beneficial gut bacteria, and, ultimately, chronic activation appears.

How to get rid of gut inflammation

Inflammation in the gut is not limited to people with chronic diseases — it can happen to any of us. Here are some ways to help reduce and eliminate gut inflammation:

  • Minimizing the intake of processed food, and consume more fresh vegetables, whole pieces of fruits, spices, herbs, tea, healthy fats, grains, legumes/beams, cage-free eggs, grass-fed or pasture-raised meat, and wild-caught fish.
  • Change your eating habits, and eat in a relaxed state of mind.
  • It is essential to give time to your body to process the food.
  • The proper intake of vitamin A intake is extremely important. It is essential for the health of the stomach’s epithelial cells and the repair of the intestines’ mucus membrane. Vitamin A also maintains healthy intestinal barrier function to prevent leaky gut.
  • Start eating more plant-based fiber, because it enhances the production of butyrate. A low butyrate level awakens the body’s emergency response when it is under attack. The body starts fighting back and attacks all good and bad bacteria.
  • The use of turmeric also decreases gut inflammation, and it reduces gas and bloating by stimulating digestion.
  • Use probiotic supplements regularly for keeping your intestinal flora balanced. Probioform is a living-liquid probiotic that is amazingly beneficial in the prevention of chronic inflammation and maintaining overall health.


Inflammation is a situation that can happen to anyone, but it is nothing you have to live with forever. With few adjustments to your daily routine and diet, as well as regular use of probiotic supplements, you can easily eliminate inflammation and maintain a healthy gut.

Probioform delivers probiotics into the body in the way that nature intended.

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